So many flavours to fall in love with.
You’re about to discover the juiciest, crispiest, tastiest apples available.
We’re proud to deliver the very best apples to you, whether you’re a kiwi after your favourite apple fix or any one of our millions of customers around the world.

The art of making truly great apples.
It’s amazing how much flavour you can fit in an apple. At Luv’ya we’ve been working on perfecting flavours and styles for decades. Only the very best apples will do, and there’s quite a science to delivering remarkable apples to you all year round.
Extraordinary apples
Everyone loves apples - and we all have our favourites. Take a tasty tour below and find out why our apple varieties are so delicious and so different. Perhaps you’ll find a new flavour to fall in love with.

Welcome to our apple growing sweet spot
There aren’t many places in the world with growing conditions quite like Nelson Tasman. Blessed with record breaking sunshine hours and short crisp winters, our region has long been recognised as the sweet spot for growing the finest apples.
Inventing Apples
Our deep commitment to growing extraordinary apples requires constant innovation. Whether it’s being the first in New Zealand to use crabapple trees to boost pollination rates, to discovering and scaling up the remarkably popular eve® apple, to investing in light maximising technology and infrastructure to ensure the highest quality yields, the LuvYa team work hard to remain at the cutting edge of the global apple industry.

Growing for generations
When you’ve been a family of growers making apples for over 100 years, you know how great apples can be. Our passion for growing this remarkable little fruit has taken us to the top of the grower tree.

Our incredible team
Ensuring Luv’ya apples reach our customers in pristine condition takes a large, dedicated team. From orchard specialists working with our trees, to in-season pickers, and through to our packhouse and cool storage crews coordinating the distribution of millions of apples around the world - we rely on great people.